Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beloved Elohim Arcturus



IAm Arcturus, Elohim of the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion in which
you have found some interest and solace throughout this embodiment and with which you have experimented under various gurus and Masters, Ascended and otherwise, in ages that have gone by.  I Represent the Power of that Violet Fire of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness that can, an actually does, change the vibratory action of the electrons that make up the substance and the form of any created thing.
Beloved Ones, this is as much a science as any of your sciences manifested
in the world of form.  This Violet Fire is a Created Activity that is Intelligent and can be drawn by anyone .  It can be drawn in, through and around the physical or Inner Bodies, as well as, around homes or affairs of a worldwide and Planetary fashion.  The Violet Fire together with Its Directors will go into action and render the assistance of Changing the Quality of Energy INSTANTLY!  If the Inner Eye were opened you would be able to see the Activity of Purification of That Flame as It passes through the substance of your flesh body, cleansing as it does the accumulations which you have drawn around the electrons that have shut in your Light and have made you temporarily less Self Luminous.  If you could see That Action and really notice the difference in the amount of Light that is released through your physical bodies after the use of That Violet Fire, IAm sure that even as sincere as you are, you would become more confident in Its Efficacy, Power and Use.
“In the Name and by the Power of the Victorious ʻPresence of Godʼ ʻIAM.ʼ  I
do Consciously Invoke and Direct into the Emotional, Mental, Etheric and physical bodies of Mankind everywhere the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion to raise the vibratory action of those Inner and physical bodies to a point where the veil of maya no longer remains.  Where they may see their ʻPresenceʼ face to face; walk and talk with the Angelic Host, the
Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings.  Where there may be restored to the Earth the Beauty and Perfection which She knew before the veil of maya was created.  To this end I have been sent forth this day by Cosmic Law.”
“I speak to the waters of the Earth; I speak to the substance of the Earth itself; I speak to the atmosphere of the Earth - In the Name and by the Power of That Violet Flame shall you know Freedom from the accumulation of the ages of discordant effluvia and you shall know that Freedom in Harmony.  From the greatest Undine and the most developed Salamander, the most developed Gnome and Sylph, I ask in the Name of the ʻIAM Presenceʼ Obedience to the Law of Peace, the Law of Balance, the Law of Cooperation with Harmony in this Universe.  I speak to the Sylphs of the Air and ask the continued Obedience to Harmony, so that We may again create a Glorious Garden of Eden on this Earth.  Beloved Beings of the Elements and Your Mighty Directors, as the Representative of the Seventh Ray, as the Superior to the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, I ask for added assistance from Your Realms in, through and around the Earth and all Mankind and the Great Invisible Realm that surrounds it, to Hold the Peace!  Peace on the waters!  Peace on the Earth!  Peace in the air!  In the Name and by the ʻPower of Godʼ “IAM.”
Beloved Ones, I bring your attention again to the fact that you are, in your
very beings, a SCEPTER OF AUTHORITY, because the Immortal Three Fold Flame  within your heart is the Receiving Center of the Electronic Light released from your
“Presence” which is the Positive Pole of the Scepter.  In the undeveloped, the Flame in the Heart is the Negative Pole which receives just enough Light to maintain intelligence in the brain and animate the body to function in the world of form.  However, when you come to the point where you are going to serve great numbers of people and be the center of activity where a great quantity of energy is to be set in motion - you will find the Negative Pole within the Heart becomes a Positive Center and a FOCUS OF THE SCEPTER.  Then you have the Flame in the Heart of the “Presence” and the Flame in the Heart of the individual forming both ends of a tremendous SCEPTER OF POWER, which is your own Light.  This can be Qualified with any one of the Virtues of the Seven Rays and can be Directed with Authority and Power to render whatever service is required.
Your Scepter of Light connects you with your “Presence” and can help you to
hold Poise and Balance within yourself.  When you feel that you are no longer a human being, but a Blazing Scepter of Light, you can mentally direct the Scepter to provide Protection, Illumination, Love, Purity, Consecration and Ministration through the momentum of the statement:  “I AM the Light of God that never fails.”  Now I ask you to begin to build a momentum by using your Scepter of Light.
For the moment block out the human form until there is only that Scepter,
which is Light and Life.  This is the Power which every Ascended Being uses.  See that Scepter become the Magnificent Blue of Archangel Michael, which is the Power of Protection.  Let It descend horizontally over the heads of the assembly and move It fanlike from left to right over everyone in the room.  Now back again; then raise It to Its original vertical position.
Let us take the Activity of the Gold Ray and see that Scepter become the Magnificent Gold of Peace, Illumination and Understanding.  Place It again in a horizontal position over the heads of the assembly, and then fanlike, let It follow the movement from left to right and right to center, then rise again.  There is a Substance that flows from the Scepter as you do so.
Let us take the Activity of the Pink Ray and see that Scepter become the Beautiful Pink of Love.  Then drop that Scepter until It is horizontal above the heads of the people and move It fanlike from left to right, directing this scintillating substance as It Radiates Cosmic Love.  Then return It again to the position of the Vertical Life Line.
Now, we will charge It with the Pure Crystalline Substance of Purity and drop
the Scepter again into a horizontal position and start at the left in a fanlike formation.  Let It pour Its Purifying Radiation over the entire assembly and then return It to a vertical position.
Now visualize the Scepter in the Magnificent Green of Consecration to Service.  Let that Scepter descend into Its horizontal position and move fanlike over the audience.  Let It pour Its Power of Consecration through each person and return It again to the vertical position.
Then we will draw the Magnificent Ruby Ray of the Master Jesus, which is Ministration and Healing Power.  It will be one of the most active of the Radiation's drawn forth at this time.  As the Scepter comes to a horizontal position, you will feel the Radiation of Ministration.  Visualize It pouring from left to right and pour that Essence of Peace over all. Now return It to the vertical position.
Draw now the Power of the Violet Fire of Transmutation.  See that Violet Fire
in the Scepter as you place It in a horizontal position and use It fanlike over the assembly. 
Now return It to Its native vertical position.
Use this exercise daily, so that you build a momentum of efficacy.  Practice
when you are in the privacy of your home and if you use your hands - you will feel the added Power flowing out through your arms and finger tips.  When you are in public it will just take a moment to Draw the necessary Virtue mentally.  Of course do not make any fanatical gestures, but make the Call and Visualize the Radiation of the Ray.  You will see the response in the consciousness of individuals who are receptive to One of the Activities of the Seven Rays.
You may not enjoy all these activities and you may choose to work with one Ray entirely.  However, it would be wise for you to experiment with all Seven Rays and have them anchored in your consciousness.
In the Name of Mercy, Love and Light, Thank You and God Bless You!

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