Thursday, July 3, 2014

Archangel Michael Address

Beloved Children of Faith in Godʼs Goodness!
For hundreds of thousands of centuries the Spirits of Mankind have been
Protected and Guarded by Divine Beings Dedicated to the Salvation and Perfection of the Race.  Each individual, incarnated to gain experience, has been as Carefully Protected as the most exquisite hothouse flower.  The Cosmic Law of Evolution is as accurate as the fluctuations that make a growing season.  It is Our Privilege to Guard Mankindʼs Faith in God.
As the Evolving Souls reach a certain point in their progress - Special, New Allotments of God-Energy are provided to hasten their growth and evolution.  The coming of the Cycle where the Sacred Fire is allowed for Mankindʼs Conscious Application is the proof.  To All Who Know - it signifies the approach of the Final Stage of Unfoldment and that the Harvest is near.
Dear Ones, do not consider lightly the Use of the Sacred Fire.  The FIRE OF
UNIVERSE and is set into motion by the Creative and Constructive Use of the Words - “I AM.”  Take seriously your Capacity to Draw the Sacred Fire through your consciousness to dissolve the unseen causes of limitation, fear and doubt.  Then your Capacity to Setup New Causes which will produce Effects more in keeping with the Divine Plan.
Many of you have a tremendous accumulation of knowledge, experience,
and understanding, and a great capacity for attaining Truth.  But your Power to Wield the Sacred Fire has not been fully realized by your outer self, and without this conviction in your feelings you are like an individual adrift at sea in a boat without oars or sails.  When your consciousness, through Meditation, is convinced of your individual Capacity to Draw the Sacred Fire and Utilize It as your Obedient Servant - you will have Achieved Mastery.
Now, Children of God, let us see what can be accomplished!  As you know,
you make a Mental Picture of that which you wish to Precipitate.  You first acknowledge that the Creative Principle comes from God, and that the Sacred Fire of Creation flowing through you is One with the Creator of the Universe.  Also, you absolutely withdraw all the power from the personality as the doer.  Then, from the Head, Throat and Heart Centers, you Consciously Project a Stream of Electronic Light Substance into the Mental Picture.  As they coalesce they become the THREE-FOLD FLAME - the PERMANENT ATOM - which Magnetizes the Light Substance of the Universe around It, and your Precipitated Form is complete.
Let Me show you.  1:  From the Head comes the Gold Ray which is the Mental Picture of the Divine Will that has Projected the Divine Plan into a Mold or Matrix.  Thus, your Mental Mold is usually outlined in Golden Light.
2:  From the Throat goes forth the Blue Ray which is the Focus of Power.  This gives to the Precipitation Its Strength, Endurance and the Ability to Stand against the disintegrating powers of the outer world.
3:  From the Heart comes the Pink Ray which is the Cohesive Power of Love.  It is a Magnetic Force that Draws the Light of the Electrons into the Mental Form you have created.
Beloved Friends, this is as simple of an accomplishment as breathing, but it
must be worked out in orderly succession.
I might add the following and call it a postscript:  Within every Electron pouring
down from the “Presence” into the Immortal Three-Fold Flame Within the Heart is the COMPLETE DIVINE PLAN FOR THAT LIFESTREAM, which would, without
interference, flow through the Three Upper Centers of the Body and produce the Divine Plan in every avenue of outer living.
The Life Force, or Fire of Creation, flowing through the flesh body is not the
same as the Elemental Substance that makes up the Atomic Structure.  This Life Force from the “Presence” is Immortal, containing the Immortal Three-Fold Flame of God in each Electronic Particle.
The Elements of the Body only attain Immortality at the time of the
Ascension, when the Immortal Three-Fold Flame, which now dwells only Within the Heart,
Expands and places a Part of Itself in each Electron of the Ascended Being.  Thus, each Electron, becomes a Heart-Center of the Fire of Creation and begins Its own Individualization.
Only Self-Conscious Intelligence's - that part of Life which contains the
Immortal Three-Fold Flame can say - “I AM.”
So, Dear Ones, I bless your understanding as I attempt to make My Words
clear to you.  I give you the Strength of My Faith in your Power to Re-create Perfection on Earth.  ACCEPT IT!  USE IT!  Enjoy this Process of Conscious Co-Creation with God.
                                                  LORD  MICHAEL

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