Wednesday, November 11, 2015

For Immediate Release

Dearest Students of the Light,
We, here at Law of Life have been given a wonderful and great opportunity. It is that we are here to publish and disseminate a very vast collection in which, the Masters have given us for the purpose of raising one another and the planet with it.
It has been made very clear to us in this responsibility that we must follow the directives and instructions left for us and that they must be protected and presented in the Standard, which the Brotherhood has set forth. We take this promise very seriously and earnest.
We have continually maintained a transparency to all parties involved what our purpose is. This is no different, recently a number of souls have chosen to take it upon themselves steal and plagiarize what has been given so gratefully. This form of Rebellion and Piracy will NOT go unnoticed any longer.
These parties feel it is their right to trivialize the teachings and publish them with no regard for the protection of the work.  By commiting these violations, anyone involved becomes accountable for this Karmic Debt incurred. We now clearly understand this is why we have been given this Responsibility.
We have had to make a collective decision after long contemplation to HALT all publications until further notice. We plan to review a better distribution vehicle for the future projects. We know and hope those who believe in this Cause will rise and Stand For the LIGHT. All inquires for support and help in future endeavor may be submitted to Law of Life. We will continue to walk the middle way in our orderly manner. We shall overcome this sinister activity with the

A.D.K. Luk Publications 

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