Saturday, June 13, 2015

Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood

Beloved aspiring members of the Great White Brotherhood in the name and with all the Blessings of our Beloved Patriarch, Lord Lanto and our beloved Hierarch Dwjal Khul, welcome into the Home of your Ascended Brothers and Sisters whose combined energies make up my very Being. I AM the Intelligence within and the Spirit ensouling this "collective" of Planetary sustaining Energies. I AM REAL. I AM your Co-server in this Planetary Transition.
I have ensouled other Activities on other Stars and Planets. And when the call went out from beloved Sanat Kumara to form the Great White Brotherhood on this Planet many Beings from the
Great Silence volunteered to ensoul it... yet I was chosen because of past momentums and training. The purpose of my Being is to be the Divine Receptacle for all the perfected energies that will eventually free this Planet. Collectively this is known as the Great White Brotherhood and I AM ITS SPIRIT.
The Great White Brotherhood is made up of the energies from various Realms of Consciousness, from Beings who have aligned their service in restoring and perfecting the Planet Earth. These Realms include, firstly, the limitless and infinite Cosmic Spheres where Great Solar Logoi, Interstellar Angels, Galactic Silent Watchers send their specific blessings to this tiny but very important Planet; these Beings have never embodied on this Planet but look upon it with grace and understanding. Only a few of these Great Ones are known to humanity, such as the coming of the Angel of Restoration and the return of the great Lord Shri Magra. They work with this Planet through the benediction of Alpha and Omega and Helios and Vesta.
Secondly, from the Ascended Realms of Light around this local Sun (Helios and Vesta) and around this Planet, many Beings from which have had Planetary experience and therefore whose Energies are woven into the fabric of the Planet. It is in these Realms where dwell Beings who comprise for the most part the Spiritual Hierarchy or Government directly concerned with the
specific evolutions of this Planet.
Here it is important to note that the Spiritual Hierarchy is once again ruled by a Being who has had planetary experience - Lord Gautama (Lord of the World). This was an important step in normalizing the Planets Energies, making it less dependent on Cosmic Energies to sustain its being (as exemplified through Beloved Sanat Kumara). These Members of the Ascended Host who have had planetary experience on Earth make up the main body of the Great White Brotherhood as it relates to humankind. However, often their Superiors have not had a planetary experience, such as the magnificent Manus.
Thirdly, from the Angelic and Elemental Realms and their great Directors, Rulers, Deva-rajahs, etc., all of whom have committed themselves to direct service to this Planet and whose energies represent much of the power which yet sustains life on this Globe. As you are aware some Members of the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms have had embodiment so they can further appreciate the totality of service to this planet and further guide their elemental and angelic charges.
But for the most part these beings have remained within the realm of pure God Force, unencumbered by the world of form. You have recently spent a Retreat month specifically with the

Angels and the Elementals.
Fourthly, unascended beings who have perfected themselves but through sacrifice, yet remain in "form" for a specific service, as did the very first member - Lord Gautama Buddha. These Beings are few and work in close association with their Ascended Sponsor but are included as members of the Great White Brotherhood.
So you possibly appreciate now more accurately the God Force that I represent. It may interest you to know that this storehouse of Ascended Energies is also focused through Mount Shasta. These two Foci, Teton and Shasta, work in close harmony, with the principle attention of the Great White Brotherhood, its projects and plans, focused through the Royal Teton at the present time. However, with Mount Shasta acting as "a Cosmic Battery" their services are intertwined. 

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