Sunday, April 12, 2015

Our Sweet Nada

My blessed brothers and sisters, Before returning to my Focus of Transfiguration in Africa, I wish to embrace you in my full gathered momentum of Love Divine. 

During these recent days the entire Planet was saturated with the Essence of Transfiguration… the submission of the human consciousness to that of the Divine… which assists in bringing about the goal to which all mankind must aspire or witness in this or future embodiments. 
On Resurrection Day the very Essence of that Unity filled the Universe through the Love and glorious Radiation of Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity. Those in the orthodox world experienced an accelerated radiation through their attention upon the Master Jesus… and the Beloved Moses in the celebration of Passover… a closeness never before felt due to the outpouring of that mighty angel’s glorious momentum of the Flame of Unity!
The chelas who were partaking of the Holy Communion received the Elixir of Life from the Cosmic Holy Spirit and Beloved Micah enabling them to feel what the process of Transfiguration means all chelas tuning in to the service in their respective localities are also the recipients of this Essence.
My purpose in communicating with you today is to offer you my momentum of Transfiguration, in the hope you will realize and accept from this day forward that it is the cohesive power of Love Divine pulsating in the Heart of the Father-Mother God that sustains all Virtues.
My Being pulsates with the holy desire to assist you in sustaining the exhilaration of consciousness you are now enjoying for I have witnessed the so-called ‘miracle’ of Unity with your True Reality … and I stand ready and so willing to help you continue to serve from the innermost recesses of your Being … the True Reality all life must one day express. Yours,
LADY NADA, Hierarch

The Temple of Transfiguration

Mount Meru, Tanzania, East Africa

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