Friday, October 31, 2014

Paul The Venetian....1959

DIVINE LOVE - The Reflector
As in great earnestness and sincerity the student daily endeavors to walk
“The Way of Truth” which has been presented to him, the attention of the Holy Comforter is
drawn more and more to such an one and from then on, almost limitless assistance is
radiated into that oneʼs world from this Great Being. For instance, in My embodiment

before My Ascension (that of the artist Paolo Veronese), I endeavored to express upon
canvas at least some of the beauty I saw and loved in the life around Me. There are those
who have been kind enough to say that they enjoy certain artistry of line and color which I
was able to make more or less immortal upon the canvas - so doing with the help of Our
Most Beloved and Blessed Maha Chohan.
Even in that embodiment before My Ascension, He poured to and through
My work so much of HIS Beauty of Consciousness and expressed abilities - this of course
made possible because of My loving devotion daily expressed to Him and His Light. So
did He expand His Own comforting Love and Light through Me into this world of form,
even unto this day - to all who ever have, do now or ever shall contact My humble
offerings. So did He expand My Light too - assisting Me to My Own Ascension. Infinitely
manifold and ever-expanding are the ways and gifts of the Holy Spirit - endeavoring ever
to expand and expand God-Perfection everywhere - all ways.
In your chosen line of service, would you like the Holy Comforter to express
His greater Perfection through you? He is ever ready to do so - it just requires your
persistent, earnest calls and conscious acceptance of His gifts. Persevere in your
endeavors to this end - your manifest results will be well worth it!

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