Friday, August 1, 2014

Beloved Helios



IAm the Authority for this Galaxy, come in answer to your own Heartʼs Magnetic Pull of Love!  With My Complement, Beloved Vesta, We shall direct, through the courtesy of your Force Field - Our Will for the Earth, Imprisoned Elemental Light Substance and the human consciousness of Mankind.

From Our Bodiesʼ Light, Our Heartʼs Love and Our Mindʼs Thought was this Planet first designed.  We now claim it to fulfill its Divine Purpose in this Universe - to become and remain A Star of Freedom.  It is to Radiate the Light and Love of its Parents and proceed in Grace according to the Wisdom ot Its Parents.

Beloved Ones, you are all Sons and Daughters of some Great Sun God and Goddess!  Are you living up to your heritage?  Are you living with joyous enthusiasm, while Naturally emitting Light and Music or is there chaos and shadows weighing down your Natural Light?  I want you to think deeply for a moment on this subject.  Because you came forth into Individualization from some Sun, from some Being like Myself - it is your nature, heritage, destiny, responsibility and obligation to Life to be a Sun - RIGHT NOW.  It is your responsibility to release Light Rays from the Unfed Flame in your Heart and direct them to nourish that portion of the Universe where you choose to abide.  Your Sun God Parents are this very moment radiating through you Their Pressure of Love to help you fulfill your Divine Destiny.  I plead with you, contemplate in your hours of silence and see what you can do about Naturally Expanding your Light.

Each one of you has certain important services to perform for yourselves and

for others.  You must now learn Conscious Control of the Light Rays passing from your bodies.  It is not enough to be an unconscious radiating center, which would be like a body with arms and hands and no directing intelligence to guide them.  You must in your progress toward God Perfection become masterful at regulating the length and pressure of those Light Rays upon any discordant condition.  It is through the CONSCIOUS DIRECTION of those Mighty Light Rays that you can still the storm, part the core of the cyclone and cause all manner of discord to cease - AT A MOMENTʼS NOTICE.  Practice the use of Light Rays, Beloved Ones, and direct, focus and exert a pressure of your feeling through Them wherever Earth conditions at the moment require assistance to be given.

Have you ever thought about the size of Our Causal Bodies?  Our

combined Causal Body is larger than this Planetary System, which was created out of Our Light Substance and sustained by Our Love and the Light We Consciously Draw from the Sun above Our Focus.  Our Causal Body moves with Us wherever We go and is as much a part of Us as your Causal Body is a part of you.  When We enter your Force Field the Heart of Our Causal Body merges with and becomes the Heart of the Causal Body of your group.  Then, your Causal Body and Force Field is Expanded to the periphery of Our Own.  Therefore, whatever you decree, invoke or sing while in Our Presence, with the

Expanded Activity of Our Causal Body, goes to the very periphery of your Solar System. 

Consequently, it is tremendously significant when you Invite and Magnetize Ascended

Masters and Cosmic Beings into your midst, because you can blanket a Planet or Solar System with incredibly more God Qualified Energy than you could ever radiate as independent unascended beings.

When you draw the Masterʼs Presence, you Magnetize all His Full Gathered

Cosmic Momentum of Feeling.  Within that Feeling is every Victory He has ever experienced.  You draw all the Power, Victory, Assurance and Confidence in the GodPower Almighty.  You draw all the Thought Force of the Master - that means every bit of

Wisdom, Learning and Understanding which that One has drawn forth from the “Universal First Cause.”  The Causal Body of the Master is a Living, Pulsating Battery of Flame, which becomes accessible to each person in the group.  The Flame mingles with and becomes part of the chelas Causal Body for the duration of the Visitation.

Therefore, during the Address of the Divine Being, you have the Privilege of Absorbing All That One is.  You absorb into your consciousness the Nature, Being, Gifts and Light of That One.  The Group Consciousness becomes a Conductor of all the Gifts of Mastery through the Expansion of its Causal Body and Radiates the Blessings to all Life.  We are grateful to the lifestreams who choose to Meet Us in a Spiritual Communion and allow Us the Opportunity of Giving Our Life through the thought and feeling centers of themselves to the masses.

At this moment all the Planets of this Solar System are receiving Our Essence which made it possible for Beloved Vesta and Myself to achieve the Status of a Sun.  In time We will achieve the Status of a Central Sun of a New System of Worlds.  You have no idea Children, of the great size of the Universe.  There are countless thousands of Suns and Planets surrounding Them.  They differ in size, but All follow the same Pattern of Rhythm, Harmony and Ever-Expanding Perfection.

Sun Initiations are going on constantly.  There are Cosmic Beings Who have

learned to Control the Two Aspects of Divine Love, which are Magnetization and Radiation. They apply for the Opportunity of Becoming Vested with the POWER OF A SUN DEGREE.  With this Power, They Draw Spirit Sparks from the “Universal First Cause” and Evolve Planetary Systems to the Glory of God.

I remember Our Own experience and how it was necessary to prove through

the Direction of Light Rays that We could Project from Ourselves enough Concentrated Energy to first Create and then hold a Planet at a given distance from the Heart Center which represented Our Beings.  We had to learn the Power of Magnetizing the Love Force, so that none of Our Planets would get out of the Periphery of Our Causal Body.  And We had to learn the Power of Radiating the Love Force to nourish and sustain each Planet.  There must be a constant Balance of Centripetal and Centrifugal Power.  For every Sun chosen there are Hundreds Who are not given the Opportunity until They can demonstrate


You are all Sonʼs and Daughterʼs of Sun Gods and Goddesses!  Be Ourselves in Action in this world of form!

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