The activity of breathing in itself
shows the balance of the Law. The rhythm of contraction and expansion,
centripetal and centrifugal force are the two activities of creation and are
required to both draw and sustain life in the physical body. The inbreathing
must be followed by the out-breathing to comply with the Law which sustains the
life in the body and the individual in the outer world. This Law applies to all
activities of life. By comprehending this Truth and mastering the energy in
drawing forth and expanding the Divine Plan in the outer world, and thru
purification and application one can be raised and become an Ascended Being.
When doing the rhythmic breathing as
given in the Decree booklet, it is important to sustain the rhythm throughout.
That is, keep the in-breath, the held-breath, the out-breath, and the directing
breath all the same length. One could record a phrase of music, for the length
of eight beats, each in a different key, or some definite dividing point for
the ear to detect.