Tuesday, July 28, 2015



            With some people color seems to be a very “touchy” subject. That is, particularly the colors of red and black. Most of the shades so called that is the hues of red we have in the outer world, are not seen in realms of Light nor is black. They do appear on the inner in the lower realms that is in the psychic astral realm. The black and most of the red we have are of human qualities and not of the Divine. The dark or sinister forces have perpetrated these colors onto and into mankind’s spiritual activities, the robes, caps, and the printing of the Bible. Yet black is used to represent or symbolize death, which is the opposite of spiritual life which is everlasting or eternal. Although the Bible comes in red and black, yet people get good from it by recognizing certain truths therein. Red is used to represent or signal danger. Danger, accidents etc., are only of the human and not of the Divine.
            It is argued that scientifically red and black are or do exist. Yes, so do diseases, crimes, accidents and death. But all these qualities and actions have come into existence only since mankind turned from the Light and has created the human realm which did not exist previously and does not exist except on earth. So black and the red referred to here did not exist on earth originally, there were only the true colors of the seven Rays. Scientist go by what they can perceive with the five senses and their instruments.
            Man’s five senses do not sense the higher vibratory action which created the universe and is eternal life. The vibratory action of the brain structure is now too slow to register the vibrations of the higher realms. Scientists work from the outer, the physical, and the human side inwards. While the true action of life is just the reverse, it already is on the inner and then manifests in the outer.
            They use the rainbow for their argument. Is black one of the colors in the rainbow? The dictionary does not include it as such. That color of red in the rainbow is produced by the discord in the atmosphere. None are the true colors of the seven Rays, just as nothing on earth is perfect. “There is no perfect physical condition, nor perfect physical body or physical environment.” Through man’s discord all vibratory actions of earth have been lowered below perfection.
 “White or colorless light (like daylight) is made up of all the colors of the rainbow, so blended, or mixed, that no color predominates. Hold a glass prism in a beam of light… the band color is called a spectrum. It contains all the colors of the rainbow, separated out of the beam of light passing through the prism.
            “A band of these spectrum colors: it progresses gradually like the colors of the rainbow, from violet to indigo, to blue, to green, to yellow, to orange, until finally at the opposite end, it stops with red.
            “The three colors that we call primaries, namely, yellow, blue, and red (originally pink)’ secondary colors, orange between yellow and red, violet between red and blue, and green between blue and yellow; between each primary and secondary color are the intermediate colors, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, and yellow-green.”
            They list no black in the color spectrum or rainbow. But show black as the opposite of white, and by mixing them one gets the various spaces of gray with no true hues. White light contains all the colors, and the opposite, an absence of light or black has none of these colors in it.
            There are no shady or dirty colors in the higher realms, although there are seven hues of color of each Ray.
            We have learned that the colors as well as everything has come out of Light substance. A beam of pure light from the sun functioning in the atmosphere of earth is subjected to its vibratory action which is less than perfect, hence produces colors less than perfect.
            Black, as most of the red and other colors that are shady, dark and muddied have come out of human qualification; as have so-called death and  decay.

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